[Episode 19] Empowering Healthcare Choices: A Guide to Advanced Directives

by | May 1, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Joining host Tammi Caress in this episode of Navigating Estate Planning with Caress Law is Lori Eckel, a certified clinical social worker who focuses on palliative care, hospice, and serious illness. Tammi and Lori discuss the significance of living wills and advanced directives, emphasizing the part they play in a person’s priorities and values, and when it’s best to start advanced care planning.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Purpose of Advanced Directives
  2. Beyond End-of-Life Decisions
  3. Involving Appointed Representatives
  4. Role of Healthcare Providers
  5. Optimal Timing for Advanced Care Planning

How to contact Lori Eckel:https://www.lorieckel-lcsw.com/


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