There are some situations where DIY is okay. Making a birdhouse out of popsicle sticks after watching a few YouTube tutorials is a perfectly acceptable DIY project. On the other hand, DIY wills and trusts are rarely good ideas. Take poor Jane Doe*, as an example. Her...
Older adults are remarrying more and more often. In 1960, only 42% of previously married individuals 55 years and older ever remarried. In 2013 this number had grown to 57%, and by 2017 it had leaped an additional 10% to 67%. Second marriages are becoming...
Larry King had a will. Well, Larry King wrote a will. It said: ‘This is my Last Will & Testament. It should replace all previous writings. In the event of my death, any day after the above date I want 100% of my funds to be divided equally among my children Andy,...
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