Estate Planning Blog
Estate Planning, Tax & Business Planning Blog
Beneficiary Designations for Retirement Accounts: What They Are & When to Use Them
The process of distributing your assets to family and loved ones after your death can be a complicated (and occasionally confusing) aspect...
Protecting Your Family’s Financial Security Goes Beyond Estate Planning
Retirement is just another word for that moment in your life when time is no longer money. If you’ve prioritized financial security...
Oregon’s Estate Tax Filing Deadline Has Changed. Here’s How it Could Impact You…
At Caress Law, one of the most important jobs we have is to keep you educated about legislation updates or policy changes that could...
What is a Trust Protector and Do I Need One?
If the concept of a “trust protector” is new to you, you’re not alone. Up until the 1990s, the role was familiar almost exclusively in the...
Planning for Incapacity: The Important Difference Between Conservatorship, Guardianship, Power of Attorney, and Supported Decision-Making
No one likes to think about the possibility that they may become incapacitated or otherwise unfit to make their own financial decisions,...
4 Estate Planning Tasks to Complete While You’re Still of Sound Body and Mind
Many people associate estate planning with that one inevitable aspect of life we don't like to think about: death. However, we should not...
Estate Planning for Second Marriages and Blended Families: 4 Mistakes to Avoid
Older adults are remarrying more and more often. In 1960, only 42% of previously married individuals 55 years and older ever remarried. In...
The Difference Between Wills and Trusts
Wills and trusts serve many of the same purposes, so it is natural that the two are often confused. Both are important estate planning...
Trust Funding Your Revocable Trust
For many folks, trust funding is an alienating concept. Often, when we think of trust funds, we think of privileged socialites flexing...
Planning for Guardianship of Minors: Estate Planning for Parents
Estate planning is often misunderstood. One of the most common misconceptions is that estate planning only outlines the distribution of a...
Estate Planning for Digital Assets: Social Media, Cryptocurrency, and NFTs, Oh My…
When most people think about estate planning, they think about the physical assets that their beneficiaries inherit. While that certainly...
What You Need to Know About Estate Tax Planning in 2022
Maybe it’s conspiracy thinking, but one has to wonder if the holidays fall at the end of the year to soften the blow of a new tax season’s...
Enroll in a FREE Estate Planning Workshop
Our virtual workshops are designed to educate you about a variety of estate planning topics, including wills, trusts, probate, and more!