Guardianship of Minors

Estate Checklist: Responsibilities as a Personal Representative or Trustee

Join us as Caress Law walks you through your responsibilities as a personal representative or trustee of a loved one’s estate.

Tune in to this educational virtual webinar – Estate Checklist: Responsibilities as a Personal Representative or Trustee

We know that being the personal representative or trustee of an estate can be overwhelming. We want to change that.

Join Caress Law, PC attorney Tasha Lyn Cosimo for this virtual webinar: Estate Checklist: Responsibilities as a Personal Representative or Trustee.

Take the opportunity to learn more about your role as personal representative or trustee, at absolutely no cost to you. Learn your responsibilities, what power you have, how to save the estate money, and—most importantly—understand how to protect yourself.

Gain access to our FREE on-demand webinar, where we cover: 


What responsibilities does a Personal Representative have once appointed?


What responsibilities does a Trustee have when acting as a Trustee?


How to save money when administering an estate or trust


How to protect yourself as a Personal Representative or Trustee


And more!

Gain access to this free on-demand webinar! Learn your role and responsibilities as personal representative or trustee, and help your deceased loved one’s legacy live on for a long time to come.


caress law estate planning law firm portland, or

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9400 SW Barnes Road, Suite 300
Portland, OR 97225